The weekend of the 15 October 2010, a group of us spent the weekend in Killarney national park to experience the deer rut. The park is home to a large number of red deer and we managed to get very close to a couple of very large stags. Over all the experience was stunning, and the noise and spectacle was amazing. Red deer, or to give them their Irish name Fia Rua, stags are irelands largest wild animals. The roar of the stag in rut are very impressive as is the fights between stags for dominance and the right to breed. The rut and all that goes with it are definately one of Irelands premier wildlife events. A good source of information on Red Deer in ireland is The Irish Red Deer Society More details on the park are available visiting the parks website Killarney National park
1 Comment
Grett O'Connor
I love these photos, they capture something primeval. The one you chose for Facebook is one of my favourites, also number 3 – the beautiful deer watching serenely. Fabulous. Well done.